Bernard C. Moore: ‘Namibia’s Dog Tax’ [LINK]
Lydia Walker: ‘Namibia: A State in Waiting’ [LINK]
Luregn Lenggenhager: ‘A Militarised Nature Park’ [LINK]
Stephanie Quinn: ‘Education and Development in Namibia’ [LINK]
Henning Melber: ‘Namibia’s Old Location’ [LINK]
Larissa Förster, Dag Henrichsen, Holger Stoecker: ‘Tracing the Descendants of Kuiseb’s 1884 Grave Robbery’ [LINK]
Bernard C. Moore: ‘Stock Theft and Taxes in Namibia’ [LINK]
Matthew Ecker: ‘Chester Crocker in Namibia’ [LINK]
Daniel Lange: ‘East Germany and Namibia’s Independence’ [LINK]
David Crawford Jones: ‘Corporal Punishment and the Epokolo in the North’ [LINK]
Kletus Likuwa: ‘Anti-colonial Mobilization among Kavango Youth’ [LINK]
Minna Saarelma-Paukkala: ‘Christianity and Naming in Ovamboland’ [LINK]
Winnie Kanyimba: ‘Caught between Cultures in Caprivi’ [LINK]
Gary Marquardt: ‘Cattle and Rinderpest in Namibia’ [LINK]
Lennart Bolliger: ‘The Legacies of SWATF and Koevoet’ [LINK]
Molly McCullers: ‘Form Letters and the Future: A Small Facet of Liberation History’ [LINK]
Lachlan McNamee: ‘The Red Line and “Tribalism” in Contemporary Namibia’ [LINK]
Pekka Peltola: ‘Trade Unions Since Independence’ [LINK]
Ariane Komeda: ‘Contesting Architecture in Colonial Days’ [LINK]
Brooks Marmon: ‘Namibia Solidarity Week: Held in Zimbabwe, 1981’ [LINK]
William Blakemore Lyon: ‘Italian Workers in Colonial Namibia, 1904-1925’ [LINK]
William Blakemore Lyon: ‘Cape Cross & Post-Colonial German-Namibian Relations’ [LINK]
Tycho van der Hoog: ‘Brewing Beer in Namibia: Past to Present’ [LINK]
Erich Maislinger: ‘Bars and Social Life in Namibia’ [LINK]
Dag Henrichsen: ‘Imperial Imaginations and Local African History’ [LINK]
Dino Estevao & Lennart Bolliger: ‘The Scars of War: Forty Years Later’ (Part 1) [LINK]
Dino Estevao & Lennart Bolliger: ‘No Longer an Orphan’ (Part 2) [LINK]
Meredith McKittrick: ‘Mbambangandu wa Kare, a Murder Trial, and the Flooding of 1934’ [LINK]
Hans Axasi ǂEichab, Dag Henrichsen, Holger Stoecker & Larissa Förster: ‘The Descendants of the Colonial Grave Robbery in 1884 in the Kuiseb and Demands for Restitution’ [LINK]